Do you know Instagram? This platform of micro-blogging in images, for users of Iphone. Yes, you certainly know, I will not expand hours on the subject. Say it's a Twitter in images. The principle is exactly the same: you post your photos, you follow the accounts that you like, you can report the images that you like particularly and leave comments to the author.
This is a long time that I am registered, but I I am taken to the game since shortly. First because several friends use it and I am driven by a "me too I want play" straight out of childhood. But also and especially because I like this principle: everyone is housed in the same fashion and must seek to produce something of joli/interesting/surprising with a common tool, the Iphone and a unique format, the photos resized to the square.
It is always very exciting to see thousands of uses that can be a same tool. How some take advantage of their weaknesses and how to circumvent the constraints of the medium to talk about their images.
I also note that the air of nothing, without probably whether voluntary, almost all accounts have their style, a truly personal touch. Short, after having issued serious misgivings, I started to use Instagram so that the site was under development and that few people were registered, this may explain this, it is the new small toy that effectively distracted me.
If you want to track my account - illustrations images are of course from the last posts on, it is the @cachemireetsoie account. And here are also some of my favorite accounts:
@ohfajar for his always superb graphic compositions (even if the author completely Cheats: his compositions are not the Iphone, it is certain)
@dinky for are keen sense of the art of living and beautiful compositions of his photos
@ nini_cb for enhancing overdose of daily mignonneries to my timeline
@freepeople because it is the mode as I love it, full of life, fun, subtlety and relaxation.
Finally, last but not least, you can also browse on the web site
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